Other status effects, if any, may be applied to the player, but are ignored for this advancement. Beacon effects also count for the purposes of this advancement. Have all of these 26 effects applied to the player at the same time. Have every effect applied at the same time Other potion effects, if any, may be applied to the player, but are ignored for this advancement. Have all of these 13 potion effects applied to the player at the same time. Have every potion effect applied at the same time Invisibility prevents players from getting the Dolphin's Grace effect naturally.Players in Spectator mode see invisible entities as translucent instead.Wearing the corresponding mob head reduces the detection range of skeletons, zombies, and creepers to 50% of usual, and stacks with Invisibility.Sneaking reduces the detection range to 80% of usual, and stacks with Invisibility.Additional methods of reducing detection by mobs include:.Cats behave as though the entity affected is visible.After detecting the player, a mob continues to follow as if the player is visible.Any single piece of armor increases this to 17.5% of the usual distance, and each additional piece increases this by another 17.5%.A player with no armor can be detected at 7% of the usual detection distance.Mobs do not attack or sense the player until the player is much closer than normal.Lingering Potion of Invisibility (extended)Īpplies only to illusioners when casting the invisibility spell.Īpplies only to spiders on Hard difficulty. Wandering Traders drink this potion if the time is between 1200. Wandering Traders drink this potion when attacked by hostile mobs or when avoiding zombies and illagers. Emerald above villager's or wandering trader's heads when opening their trading GUI..The eyes of cave spiders, spiders, endermen, and phantoms.Any armor worn (including horse armor worn by horses).Certain features of entities are not affected by invisibility: